Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Night at the Theater

Whew, halfway through those epic trip posts. It is taking me almost as many days to write them as it did to actually go on the trip! Thanks if you actually read all this, and hopefully it isn't too boring for you!
It's back to life as usual here at UCL, which is, of course, not at all usual in any form. Tuesday night I went to see the play Bent, starring Alan Cummings. If you don't know, Alan Cummings is a Scottish actor who was Nightcrawler in X-men and has been in tons of other movies, usually as kind of quirky offbeat roles. The play was about homosexuality in Nazi Germany, as you can imagine it was very intense and sad but very, very good. This is actually the second play I've seen in London, the first was Galileo by Brecht at the National Theater. This one was more interesting to me personally. I was really impressed and moved by it. Pretty much everyone in the audience was sobbing afterwards, it was that powerful. Afterwards we waited at the stage door for Alan Cummings (my friend insisted). Apparently waiting around stage doors isn't as prevalent in the UK, we were almost the only ones back there. We did manage to catch him and meet him, he was extremely nice and had a very cute dog named Honey. The picture is ,of course, Alan trying to get his dog to pose for Stef's camera (the dog seemed kind of confused). On our way back home we saw the Queen's motorcade- she was apparenlty on her way home from the James Bond premere. Two brushes with stardom in one night! I also took these pictures of Trafalgar Square at night:

It's getting dark now around 4 pm which is depressing but I try to make the most of the few daylight hours we have. I have less then a month in London to go which saddens me to end. I'm trying to make a list of important things to see and do before I leave. This is complicated by intense busyness. Next weekend I will be in Scotland, the weekend after that my Mother will be here and we will be in High Wykham. Hopefully when she is in town we will do some major sightseeing though. School is keeping me crazy busy, it's getting to be crunch time so I am expecting some not-so-fun late nights. I am constantly torn between doing school work and doing something in London. I just can't decide which is more important. This weekend I am actually in town for a change so I'm going to play tourist hopefully and knock a few things off my to-do list!


Anonymous said...

your mom is visiting you?? I am so excited for you!!!

Nerissa Rain said...

I'm enjoying reading your adventure -- and reading bits and pieces outloud to whoever may be around (Mom get's a kick out of hearing all about the trip).
:) Making me wish I could travel some more again.

Nerissa Rain said...

Oh! And say hi to your mom for me.