Thursday, November 29, 2007

Negligent November

“And now for some weeks Ann Veronica was to test her market value in the world. She went about in a negligent November London that had become very dark and foggy and greasy and forbidding indeed, and tried to find that modest but independent employment she had so rashly assumed.”

Wow do I know how she feels. November is drawing to an end and though I’ve spent hours sending out CV’s, following up on leads, and just generally pestering anybody who might have a job for me, I am still unemployed. I’m trying not to be discouraged but as one by one the people who arrived at the same time as me land employment, this job search spiel is getting to be tiring.

There’s nothing to do about it but to press on. I certainly need a job now that I’ve found success in another on of my searches and moved into a flat! I’m living in a house in North Acton, about twenty minutes from the heart of London on the Central Line. I’m sharing the place with three Australian guys.

Yes, three Australian guys.

I have a small single room which I’ve managed to decorate in purples and pinks, a nice contrast from the rest of the place where the decor could be described primarily as “skateboard.”

Pictures and stories will abound soon... Keep your fingers crossed that a job- any job, will come my way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear stephie,
please post pics of your roomies, can I get dibs?
