Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Down but NOT Out

I will be the first to admit that things have been quiet here for way too long. I know it seems like I am full of excuses, but this time at least hopefully you guys will let me off the hook.

January hasn't really been my favorite month this year. In fact healthwise it's been a total disaster. I've had a serious of stupid and painful health issues, involving missed work, multiple trips to the emergency room and even some fun time spent in surgery/the hospital! Yeah, I've been sampling the NHS first hand, and thoroughly too. Don't worry lovely readers, I'm not in any mortal peril, but the constant illness has been pretty exhausting and frustrating. Even though it turns out I have a fantastic support network here, being unwell so far from home is pretty lonely and scary. Add to that the uncertainty of taking so much time off from work and things just haven't been so fabulous in Stephie-Land of late (although, as people keep cheerfully pointing out- at least I'll have lots of material for my blog! Misery does sell I guess).

On the bright side: I'm feeling enormously better. Nothing is totally resolved but getting there slowly. So hopefully (oh for the love of god cross your fingers) I can go back to doing exciting things and bragging to you all about them. And January wasn't a total wash, a handful of cool things did happen which I will hopefully be catching you up on. Starting with The Friendship's New Years in London, coming soon!

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